With sustainability at its heart, Ziorva is an ethical fine jewellery future generations can similarly enjoy nature in all its splendour.
brand for the modern woman. A woman with both style and To do this, she feels we must all do our bit for the environment. For
substance. A woman who values quality materials and expert her, this meant creating precious pieces of jewellery which wouldn’t
craftsmanship. A woman who cares about how things are made and damage our planet or the people on it. Pieces that were designed
the impact of all our actions on the environment. to last, made precious through their form and content. With this
Raised in Ireland, Lorna Gaughan (Ziorva’s founder) was fortunate to
be surrounded by the most beautiful, natural landscape. Vast skies,
wild seas and rolling hills have all given her inspiration. She hopes
The Art of Luxury
Issue 39 2019
in mind, she named her company “Ziorva”, which means “graceful
gold”. It is derived from “Zi”, a name of Chinese origin which means
“graceful” and “Orva” which means “worth gold” in French.