Located in South Gloucestershire, De Vere Tortworth Court, a The adventure starts when guests make their way to the Land Rover
country estate Mansion House hotel, which has recently had a top- Experience Eastnor, to enjoy the off-road experience where guests
to-toe refurbishment, has teamed up with Land Rover Experience, will be guided by expert instructors at Land Rover who help to hone
Eastnor to offer guests an adrenaline-fuelled luxury weekend stay. off-road driving and obstacle handling skills, with guests navigating
challenging terrains with steep inclines, daring descents, muddy
Guests booking the break will enjoy an overnight stay in one of the
slide slops and wild streams.
Mansion House’s luxury bedrooms which feature king-sized beds,
fluffy robes and complimentary toiletries; a three-course meal in the
Prices start from £594 for two people
1853 Restaurant and Bar; a hearty breakfast; a pair of Hunter wellies
to borrow for the duration of their stay, so they can explore the 30-
acre estate; and a half day off-road driving experience based at the
5,000-acre Eastnor Castle estate.
The Art of Luxury
Issue 39 2019
To book please call 01454 263 000 and quote promo code LRE19
To find out more visit: www.devere.co.uk/tortworth-