Inspired by the night time flight of our intrepid heroes, the fascia Rolls-Royce Bespoke Collective has masterfully fabricated a clock
represents a modern-day abstract interpretation of the view the pair with an iced background effect which glows a faint green in night
would have enjoyed as finally, their craft cleared the thick fog and time driving conditions. The red hour hand sits atop compass
cloud. In a fusion of contemporary and traditional practises, Smoked inspired lines on the clock’s fascia, whilst the landing location
Eucalyptus wood is vacuum metalized in gold before being inlaid coordinates are engraved below.
with silver and copper, to depict the rich detail seen in night time Perhaps the most alluring feature of the Collection is the
images of the Earth from above. The scene extends to the centre extraordinary unique starlight headliner. 1,183 starlight fibres show
console providing both an emotive and immersive experience for the celestial arrangement at the time of the flight in 1919, the flight
today’s occupants – the cockpit is in perspective with the headliner. path and constellations are embroidered in brass thread, whilst
Below, the brass-stitched quilted sides of the centre tunnel provide a the exact moment the pair left the cloud to navigate by the stars
direct nod to the V12 engined Vickers Vimy. is indicated by a red fibre optic light. Clouds are embroidered and
The clock of a Rolls-Royce is frequently viewed as jewellery, with
many patrons choosing this canvas to tell the story of their motor car
in miniature. Wraith Eagle VIII is no exception. Our intrepid pioneers
recounted that their instrument panel was frozen from the high
altitude and the poor conditions, referring to the only illumination
coming from the green glow of the control panel lighting and the
burst of flame from the starboard engine. In homage to this, the
The Art of Luxury
Issue 39 2019
a plaque reading, “The celestial arrangement at the halfway point
00:17am June 15th 1919, 50” 07’ Latitude North – 31” Longitude
West” shows the half-way point of the momentous journey.
Just 50 of these highly collectable motor cars will be created for
discerning collectors at the Home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood, West
Sussex – a Centre of Global Luxury Manufacturing Excellence.