The Art of Luxury Issue 39 2019 | Page 45

AUTOMOTIVE This international convoy embarked on a journey which was full of surprises and had a rich variety of landscapes that only Campania can offer. The participants explored the unmistakable views of the Amalfi coast and the interior of Campania, behind the wheel of their Ferraris, from the Parco del Partenio to the slopes of Vesuvius. The tour began on Tuesday, 18 June, with a visit to the city of Benevento where the Ferraris were admired in Corso Garibaldi. The next day, the cars were on display along the Salerno waterfront, before taking the Amalfi Coast’s hairpin bends to Sorrento. On 20 June, the Royal Palace of Caserta and the centre of Naples were the backdrop for the Cavalcade, with a stop in Piazza del Plebiscito. The fourth and final day of the tour was dedicated to one of the jewels of the Gulf, with a parade of cars from Capri to Anacapri. An exceptional programme and a great show, not only for the Ferrari owners but also for local people and tourists, linking the most famous car maker in the world to these locations, emblematic of Italian beauty. Issue 39 2019 The Art of Luxury 45