Prominently positioned within the fashion department at The the collection is a testament to the beauty found in simplicity,
Wedding Gallery – alongside other bridal designers Vera Wang, Elie expertly fusing the unparalleled fit, exquisite fabrics and master
Saab, Oscar de la Renta and more – the Romona Keveža boutique craftsmanship that is synonymous with the Romona Keveža brand.
will reflect the elegance and refinement that the brand is best known
for. Alongside a specialist fashion stylist, brides will be guided Commenting on the launch, Romona Keveža said “This is an
through the collection of gowns, accessories, lingerie and shoes to incredibly important milestone both for the business and for me
create a look that encapsulates their own individual sense of style. personally. London is truly one of the world’s fashion capitals and I
Inspired by some of the most magnificent venues across the globe
and embodying worldly sophistication with an undeniable sense of everything about this city. We have found the perfect partner and I
luxury, the Romona Keveža Spring 19 collection is now available to couldn’t be happier to open my UK flagship at The Wedding Gallery.”
view at The Wedding Gallery.
The Fall 19 collection will debut in store from April 2019. Introducing
10 iconic bridal looks that encompass the meaning of refined luxury,
To book an appointment at the Romona Keveža boutique at
The Wedding Gallery please call +44 (0)207 380 1699 or email
[email protected]. For further information on the
Romona Keveža brand visit
Issue 37 2019
The Art of Luxury