The words “Summer Wardrobe, or even “Capsule Collection” to most The Linen suit.
gents, sounds, somewhat intimidating, almost effeminate and to Linen suits in light, earth/khaki tones are a great idea for summer
the most conservative man, downright unnecessary. While many weddings and other dressed-up, outdoor affairs. They’re cool,
gents have moved forward in the last 10-20 years in terms of fashion comfortable, and still create a dapper elegant look, when crafted
and their understanding of it, for many, an education on summer correctly. Pair a blue linen suit with a crisp white shirt and a pair of
wardrobes, or creating the perfect summer wardrobe is required. monkstraps or go with a cream version and a round neck tee and
Enter the Dubai Summer for a start, then the fact that many of trainers for a more casual holiday vibe. The Key here is cut. Avoid a
us gents travel, either on vacation, for work, with families back break at the hem, go for a waistband that is snug, without being too
to our home country etc. this can cause problems for gents, who tight, and a jacket which is correctly fitting to your body shape. This
need to be able to throw together their staple summer essentials, creates a good silhouette at the shoulders and back. (A boxy linen
without much thought and ensure that they save time, hassle, feel number is a complete no-go)
comfortable whatever the climate and ensure that they and their
Tailored Chino Shorts.
tailored garments look good.
My selection of key summer pieces will ensure the most dapper of
gents stays stylish, with a fresher, lighter approach to his tailored
look, but still ensuring that he looks sharp, for the board meeting in
Dubai, or social outing in Dubrovnik.
Tailored shorts in a cotton chino fabric are a capsule wardrobe
must-own for any man worth his sartorial salt. This is where it can
be difficult, with readymade offerings either being too long, wide
and generally unflattering, to the more recent (and somewhat
questionable) trend of too teeny tiny short. I always advise my
clients on three golden rules: they should fit perfectly at the waist,
The Art of Luxury
Issue 37 2019