Boutique private aviation company, ConnectJets, has sealed the first The Avanti EVO combines refined Italian style and innovative tech-
ever UK sale of Piaggio Aerospace’s pioneering ‘green flying machine’, nology with distinctive rear-facing propellers that offer superior climb
the Avanti Evo. With its unique design, this elegantly efficient aircraft performance and an ability to reach a maximum speed of 402 kts (463
delivers huge fuel savings, and dramatically reduces emissions as MPH) and altitude of 41,000 ft, which is faster and quieter than most
well as operating costs – providing the UK private aviation sector a comparable jet aircraft in its class. Its aerodynamic lines and unique
truly environmentally-friendly alternative to fuel-guzzling exec jets. design contribute to a remarkably spacious whisper quiet cabin able
The aircraft will be delivered to the buyer, a private individual, in Oc- to accommodate up to eight passengers. As the fastest twin turbo-
tober after being custom-built from scratch by Piaggio Aerospace in prop ever produced, the Avanti EVO achieves greater speed without
Italy. Operating under British registration, the UK’s first Avanti EVO will compromising operating costs, running at up to 30 per cent less than
be available for charter from autumn 2017, helping to fulfil growing a jet of the same size. Its green production process and lifestyle man-
market demand both in the UK and in Europe, for a new generation agement process have been recognised globally in the aviation sec-
of greener, more economical private aircraft. Charter enquiries can be tor for its reduced impact on the planet.
made via ConnectJets as from today.
Issue 34 2018
The Art of Luxury