Jaguar have won the race to design and build a fully electric SUV.
The I-PACE is the perfect blend of class, comfort and speed.
Written by Benjamin Dubois - Automotive Contributor
In May, The Art of Luxury were invited by Jaguar to travel to Our first impression of the car when picking it up at the airport
Portimão, Portugal, to experience the I-PACE along the beautiful was one of surprise at how large the vehicle was. At just under
coast of the Algarve. This involved a full weekend of putting 4.7 meters long it is roughly equivalent to a Porche Macan, but
the car through its paces, both off and on road and even on still manages to look sporty and sleek at the same time. The
the world class circuit Autodromo Internacional do Algarve. To length allows the Jaguar to fit 432 high energy density Lithium-
say we were excited is a huge understatement. To be invited as ion pouch cells into the floor of the car helping to achieve an
one of the first to test drive such a revolutionary and industry incredibly low centre of gravity, thus optimizing composure
changing car was an honour. and reducing body roll. These thoughtful designs helps to
increase the aerodynamic performance of the car. You might be
The I-PACE is incredibly significant for Jaguar as it is their first wondering why an SUV needs to be particularly aerodynamic,
offering into the ever-growing landscape of electric vehicles. as historically SUVs have always been large bricks of a vehicle
The SUV is king at the moment and with this trend only looking which simply pushes all of the air out of the way rather than
to continue, manufactures have placed their attention to the slicing through.
future... that future being electric. Many still have reservations
when it comes t o electric vehicles, mostly being centred around
one of three things: range anxiety, charging times and speed. If
you are one of these people, then Jaguar have the answer.
Issue 33 2018
The Art of Luxury