Alice Leet-Cook and Rosie Turner, sisters and co-founders of the Their versatile collections cater for the town to country lifestyle,
fiercely British brand, Hicks & Brown, were born and raised on with signature pieces created in an array of elegant colourways
the family farm just outside Sudbury in Suffolk. They didn’t know and fabrics. The collection comprises of their hugely popular
it then but their home would, in 2014, become the base from Fedora hats, including their take on the classic Panama, as
which their own fashion label Hicks & Brown, came to life. Whilst well as the sell-out Newmarket Jacket and line of hand-crafted
the sisters left the countryside to embark on careers in London, accessories. More recently, the dynamic duo have introduced
both maintained their connection with the country way of life, in The Melford, a brand new collection of Trilby’s available for both
particular the equestrian and country sporting worlds. Together men and women.
Alice and Rosie would make clothes to wear themselves and
were always overwhelmed with comments from family and “The summer months are finally here, which means replacing
friends who admired their creations. It was from those humble your trusty beanie with the perfect Panama. Panamas are a
beginnings that the idea to establish a fashion label of their own classic staple for the sunshine season and a welcome addition
was born. to any summer wardrobe. It’s traditional straw brim is the best
way to shield yourself from the rays and helps keep your hair in
From their time spent in London, to their years in the great check on deck! Not just for poolside posing, the Panama can be
British countryside, Alice and Rosie combine a fusion of worn from a beach in Barbados to parading the pavements in
influences to create their designs. London and on those sunny strolls through the countryside.
The Art of Luxury
Issue 33 2018