Since Bicester Heritage’s tenure, over 80% of the buildings The location of Bicester Heritage is, of course, key. Bicester
have been delicately restored or re-activated for modern is one of the fastest growing towns in Europe with unrivalled
business use, with the site now held as a national exemplar connections via road, rail and air, situated in close proximity
of constructive conservation by Historic England. The to the globally known City of Oxford and within 90 minutes
time-warp base is truly unmatched in evocative character, of upwards of 30 million people.
with even the paint colours being correct to 1930s British
With Bicester Heritage making waves all over the world,
both the present and future are incredibly bright and the
An active airfield and test track complete its dynamic
The Art of Luxury
Issue 33 2018
UK’s classic car industry is in the very best hands.