The Art of Kanban - Creative Safety Supply April 2014 | Page 6

The Art of Kanban What Are The Five S’s? 1. Sort - Sorting is the process of going through each work area and getting rid of any equipment, tools, or other materials that are not often used. These excess things will be moved to a storage area or discarded. The result is to have a much cleaner work area that is not just aesthetically pleasing, but easier to maintain. It improves employee safety, and lessens the chance of confusion and wasted time. 2. Set In Order - This second step is all about organization. Examine your work area and see to it that everything has a place. Set out to label spots for materials so that they are easy to identify and locate. If your work area is in production, paint or clean as necessary and mark out lanes for work areas, storage, and finished products. 3. Sweep - This step is an ongoing cleaning of your work area. Since you have taken the time to organize everything neatly you will want to ensure that it remains that way. Set up a schedule for regular and daily cleaning so that you leave each day with your work area in the same condition as when you started. You should also inspect equipment and tools for damage or leaks, this way you can fix the problems while they are still minor. 4. Standardize - One of the ways to make sure you and your employees do not fall back into old habits is to standardize the way things are done. You might consider making posters that direct employees to the new standard of maintaining their work areas so they are less likely to revert to old habits. 5. Sustain - This might be the most difficult step in the program, sustainment. The best way to maintain the previous steps is to have a formal way to monitor the results of your effort. You must continually educate employees on keeping up with the standards and adjusting to any changes. !2010 | (866) 777-1360