At last , with immediate access to the balcony , a colorful office , in fresh and lively tones , catches the eye . Cassia Modular Sofa , by Caffe Latte , reveals all its adaptability and versatility , in a trendy pink version . A very flexible piece , either for a living or reading corner design .
Caffe Latte , in partnership with Yasmine Ibrahim , inaugurate a new residential concept : calm sophistication , where escape from day-to-day stress is duly rewarded by a clean and invigorating aesthetic , imbued with a familiar and intimate concept .
CAFFE LATTE modern Design ’ s paramount is to provide ergonomic and functionality to any room , with a modern minimalist approach . Complementing other designs aesthetics with the use of a neutral colour palette , presenting sobriety to any interior decoration project , ultimately creating a consensual and transversal design , suitable for any taste .
caffelattehome . com
For press inquiries , please contact : David Magalhães | Press Manager | Press & Public Relations press @ caffelattehome . com Images courtesy of caffelattehome . com