With the huge range of antique shops , dealers , flea markets and galleries , it can be hard to know where to start collecting .
Antiques expert Iain Brunt is the founder of Antiques . co . uk , the UK ’ s most established online antiques marketplace . He believes that there are crucial questions to ask before you start spending .
From Iain ’ s many years of experience at galleries in New York , London , Paris and Japan comes this list to help you choose the best value antiques .
Observe before questioning : Your eyes will provide the answers to anything you need to know . Look carefully and try to learn from your mistakes . Don ’ t be overwhelmed by your excitement – never buy unless you are completely sure .
Look closely : Inexperienced buyers often don ’ t properly look at the item . Ask yourself what it is that makes this piece so special ?
Visit museums – and don ’ t rush : Prepare for the moment of buying your first piece by visiting museums . Look closely at pieces and styles . When buying , ask yourself whether the piece is good enough to be in a museum . If your answer is yes , buy it – but don ’ t rush .
Choose a period and object that you like : Visit museums , shops , galleries and exhibitions that deal with the subject you ’ re interested in . Talk to expert dealers . Searching online is a good place to start learning .
Buy the best you can afford : There ’ s no point buying several lesser quality works when you could invest in one really good piece . Apply your business filters , but the main requirement is that you like it .
Iain adds : “ Remember : you must enjoy the piece you ’ ve bought … and have some fun discovering the world of antiques .”
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