Living in the glamorous Upper-East side of “Space has no boundaries and has limitless
New York. Warrants a gorgeous residence to possibilities.”. Having design projects that
boot, and that is exactly what we have here. stretch over four continents and specializes
Endless light, with a city and ocean view. in high-end residences and commercial
That’s a view, not every client gets the have, projects. Pepe Calderin is showing us what
and also, not a view every designer gets to made them well known in the first place.
play with.
Sounds cliche, however a typical
This 3800 sq. Ft. Residence was designed by characteristic to the way Pepe Calderin works.
Pepe Calderin, a NewYork and Miami based by fostering an intimate connection with the
agency. Now in the sea of interior designers client each project becomes a distinctive
in New York and Miami, why were we so reflection of their unique personality, lifestyle,
intrigued? and spirit. For this design project, the client
was a big art lover and had some painting
Pepe Calderin is an interior design agency with a rock-Roll Vibe which signing. now, take
that has garnered recognition for its fresh, a look at this residence, and you’ll understand
energetic, visionary approach to the modern why we fell in love with it.
design process, where the philosophy is