Entrance Hall
Sacha Walckhoff is a Designer and Decorator, "We moved in just after a famous young and the Creative Director for the Christian French actor left the place, he had actually Lacroix brand since 2010. Pascal Ferrero is an done a great job on it ...So we did not have It is a wide vestibule, slightly dark in order
international wig and hair Designer for the much to do! We both work a lot at home to contrast with the brightness of the other
film and the theatre industry. and wanted to have a place to work but also rooms.
somewhere to host our clients for a drink and
Situated on the Paris right bank, near the to share our ideas and style with them. It is a
place Franz-Liszt in the up and coming 10th multi - functional space where our creations
arrondissement, their 135 m2 apartment is and our collections of art and design are
located in a building built in the 1840’s, typical displayed in our own way. It is eclectic, unique
of King Louis Philippe’s era. but with a strong Parisian flavour and a little
bit of humor ... " - Sacha Walckhoff
A high screen, specially designed, is displayed
at the end of it and pieces of art and design
are placed here and there and might be
moved from time to time to keep the energy
vivid (moving furniture is a great therapy!)