Nowadays, the possibilities and the design of various furniture pieces and furnishings are endless. The advantage of this is that the cost
is already determined, and you are able to compare the product choices and make the decision based on the purpose and quality of the
furniture. Though these are readily available, some furniture is best when it is designed and manufactured to your exact specifications. So
where can you save and where you can see the what value does it bring when it comes to decisions for specialised joinery services?
Always appreciate the detailed quotes
Explore the different finishes of the If you are looking to implement your
– as that can instantly tell you what it is ironmongery – if you are not keen on ideas, feel free to contact us, forward
included in the package and provide you silver hanging rail, you can have it in your specifications, drawings and we will
with stress free process. It is also a hint graphite grey or powder coated to your provide you with no obligation estimate. By
that the cabinet maker understood your desired color. supporting a small growing business, you are
require¬ments and has thought of all
This can enhance the overall look of supporting a chain of other small business
the elements of the joinery, even though
your furniture and you may be surprised who depend on our services as well.
you might not have. that the price difference may be just a
couple pounds than of the standard
Swap for alternative material – there are
so many varieties of wood, melamine
and MDF on the market, should your
Let there be a light – LED strip under
material choices exceed the budget, ask shelves, in open parts, LED everywhere – the cabinet maker for an alternative to this decorative feature inte-grated within what you have chosen. They possess the furniture – it is very practical – it the knowledge and most likely have has almost become a standard when better trade prices. Most of suppliers supplying and fitting the joinery and the Our workshop is based in Tottenham,
also pro-vide FSC approved materials good news is that it is now affordable London and can be
or other eco friendly options which (in the example of the full tall wardrobe contacted via the
allowed for the new design processes with shelves and hanging part – the cost details below:
and the recycling options to meet the only represents 3% of the total cost, [email protected];
environmental standards. excluding labour). +44 (0) 1753 478 963; www.benca.co.uk;
Instagram: bencajoinery