Contemporary comfort
area furnished with Magis chair and Ciatti
side table that features panoramic views of
Entering Mallorca, the main floor includes a
the city.
reception area and a well-lit kitchen.
Imparting their detailed knowledge of
The reception area leads out to a small ergonomics, spatial planning and creative
adjoining terrace, which the client considered arts, Askdeco provided the client with all of
to be unusable outdoor space. In response, the necessary tools for ensuring an excellent
Askdeco repurposed the space as a visual design.
stimulant, adding trees that enhance the
beauty of the client’s external views.
Mallorca demonstrates an effective use of
space that addresses the client’s well-being
Mallorca’s middle level features a dining area and functional requirements, while wrapping
and living room, where artwork by Ramon that comfort in elements of contemporary
Aular frames the Mediterranean furnishings of interior design.
designers such as Maxalto and Fornasetti.
Photo credit: Alex Jeffries
Master and guest bedrooms on the upper
floor complete the space, with functional
sub-spaces, including a contemporary vanity