In a world of ever-changing fashions Sbordoni Each individual piece is manufactured using A Sbordoni bathroom will bring beautiful
has, for over one hundred years, remained high-quality vitreous china, by local craftsmen classical design into your home, each piece
reassuringly constant, offering the lasting whose families have been learning and unique and the result of hundreds of years
values of design, quality and craftsmanship practising their skills over many generations. of experience. In Sbordoni is the origin of
that rise above passing trends.
these beautiful, timeless designs and sanitary
Markets today are saturated with mass- fittings are marked with the original brand,
The Alessandro Sbordoni Ceramics Company produced goods but Sbordoni takes pride in hot-stamped on the china surface.
was established in 1910 by Alessandro the personal involvement, care and artisan Sbordoni. Initially, the production focused flair of its makers. The process - from the The small differences between products,
on artistic pottery and in the 1920s was preparation of the clay, its casting, hand- when present, confirm the craftsmanship and
broadened to encompass ceramic sanitary finishing, glazing and selection - is the work authenticity of our products that are all made
ware. A second manufacturing site was of talented and experienced craftsmen in Italy. All of our sanitary fittings including our
opened in 1925 on Via Flaminia – Civita and results in pieces with an individuality luxurious brassware, furniture and accessory
Castellana, Viterbo, followed by a third site in that reflects their heritage. The Sbordoni collections, have been rigorously tested and
the borough of Stimigliano Scalo. Neoclassica™, Sbordoni Palladio™ and have obtained the CE marking.
Sbordoni Masaccio™ collections, showcase
The company started in an Italian town unparalleled original design that still testifies
that has always been at the heart of Italian to the talent of Alessandro Sbordoni, who
sanitary ware production, where pottery has conceived the designs in the 1930s and 1940s.
been made for thousands of years.
020 8685 6815