Maurizio Pellizzoni was given carte blanche to The brief for this modern Greater London
turn a five-bedroom house in Greater London property was to create a comfortable space
into a cool party pad for a young professional. for entertaining friends and taking time out
Maurizio’s starting point was the glamour from the city. Maurizio Pellizzoni drew on
of old Hollywood movies. He opted for a the style of a classic Hollywood lifestyle that
smoky colour palette and chunky, masculine suited the modern architecture of the house
furniture and oversaw everything from the and met the client’s desire to create a fun
joinery to the wallpaper to the fixtures and bachelor escape.
Maurizio Pellizzoni started with an empty
As a nod to boutique hotel design, he themed but pristine shell and transformed it with
each bedroom, but the piece de resistance is new furniture, soft furnishings artwork and
the attic which he transformed into a ‘giant accessories. Some existing fixtures were
playroom’ -complete with a retractable kept and updated in respect of the client’s
cinema screen, a pool table and a bar. budget, for example the main staircase was