The Mews House
The mews house, consisting of five floors, panels in the media room. The FF&E finishing
features a much more contemporary design. brings together all aspects of this project,
The furnishings are a fun, cool selection of including specially commissioned artwork by
items from suppliers such as Porada, lighting exciting up-and-coming artists and bespoke
by Tom Kirk and WonderGlass that reflect furniture and lighting, all enriching the user
the more modern influence in the interiors. A experience of this extraordinary home.”
stunning glass lift within a metal lattice open
shaft runs between floors within a tapered Thanks to a team of highly skilled architects
cantilevered stone staircase hand carved by and interior designers, contractors, engineers,
Ian Knapper. and artisans, the end result is a stunning
example of best practice in restoration.
Rupert Martineau, Associate Interior Designer Not only are the interiors and finishes
at SHH, explains: “Belgravia House has been sophisticated, elegant and executed to the
designed with the utmost attention to detail, highest standard, they effortlessly showcase
with intricately appointed interiors featuring the classic detailing of the Grade I Listed
throughout, from the historic mouldings to elements while successfully integrating all the
the junctions of the heated glazing in the amenities of a contemporary home.
spa lounge and pool hall, right down to the
different colours of the stitching in the leather