Aurelia White and Champagne Gold dressing console
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Silhouette Round Mirror £109.99
Vantiago Lounge Chair with Rose Gold Base £449.99
Bellini Two seater Sofa in Bottle Green £389.99 Alhambra Nesting Tables £129.99
Frankfurt Two seater sofa in Navy Blue
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Champagne wall mirror £239.99.
When it comes to interior trends, MY Furniture The beauty of using brass and gold in your Shelf units and smaller accessories are the
pride themselves on offering the latest must- home decor is the instant warmth it brings to perfect way to test out this trend without
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it's a great way to re-invent a room by adding With everything from side tables, mirrors
From elegant seating to stylish lighting, depth with texture. Mixing finishes not only and lighting My Furniture have something for
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MY Furniture's newest collections are perfect MY Furniture are on hand to help you for anyone wanting to add warmth and a Luxe effortlessly bring this trend into your home edge to their interiors. with their extensive range of sofas, armchairs,
tables, lighting and accessories.
For further inspiration visit
www.my-furniture.com or
call 0800 092 1636