Trendy Products has been a well- Italian designer based with a big focus showroom. However, you can also shop our
established e-commerce furniture retailer on high gloss and crisp style but have full range by using either the digital concept
for over 12 years. Our online shop was born developed into so much more covering shopping experience or sitting with the
from a love of modern furniture, interiors many contemporary styles within the high- team to go through the catalogues.
and wanting to share our passion for having end furniture market.
a lovely home. Following years of visiting
Our team have all been individually
European trade fairs and building strong We really wanted to make our showroom trained to know everything about our
relationships with some of Europe’s top different and provide our customers with products, from the material and quality
furniture brands we have developed a the experience we want for ourselves to finding what you will love out of the
wide selection of contemporary designer when shopping for furniture. We chose 10,000 items we have on our website. With
furniture ranging from mid to high end the destination of Cardiff Bay to appeal to over 70 brands ranging from living room,
prices. Company owner Karen Bucceri had customers coming from over the Severn dining room, home office, bedroom and
spent many years developing businesses Bridge down the M4, as well as clients from everything else in between its so easy to
both in the UK and Italy so her expertise the Vale of Glamorgan and more locally in create the complete Trendy Products look
combined with a love of all things interiors Cardiff. The 5-minute distance from the St in your home.
was the perfect match to create Trendy David’s hotel and beautiful views from the Products. Based in Italy Karen is right on full width windows in the showroom all add www.trendy-products.co.uk
the forefront of the latest trends from Italian to the experience. 0345 299 4211
brands and frequently visits neighbouring
countries in Europe to find the newest We also based our head office right luxury designs to bring to the UK. within the showroom so our customers Unit 4, Havannah Street
can not only have the great experience Cardiff
When we reached our 12-year anniversary of talking to our sales team but also get CF23 7FD
we decided it was time to do something to meet everyone working behind the a bit different and find out what Trendy scenes making the website, showroom Products was missing. We know that not and logistics happen. We really drive team all our customers like to shop purely online spirit within Trendy Products and everyone from the feedback we received, so the within the team shares the same passions natural next step was to open a furniture to deliver great furniture and a great showroom - somewhere to showcase customer experience.
our designer furniture brands and let our
customers feel and touch the products we We know that having a website with
love so much. We noticed that within our 10,000 products can sometimes be tricky
home town of Cardiff there was a limited to navigate and find exactly what you’re
supply of furniture showrooms that sold looking for, so we have showcased some
furniture like ours, we started as mainly of our bestselling furniture pieces in the
Opening hours
9.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday
10.00am – 5.00pm – Saturday