Elite Stone is luxury “Made in Italy” marble Elite Stone technical team of project developed with precious marble from Italian
company and a reference point for high-end managers, architects and designers creates Calacatta Borghini quarry, owned by Elite
interior design projects. It provides customers bespoke masterpieces made of natural stone. Stone.
with deep knowledge of the materials, Each element, from the dimensions to the experience, craftsmanship and passion for smallest details of the finishing, is absolutely Elite Stone showroom presents extraordinary
absolute perfection. customizable: the result is an iconic and furniture collection and accessories line that
unique piece. promote elegance, design and functionality.
Elite Stone changes the way to use natural
Sliding doors, wall decorative panels,
stone not only for home design but also The latest innovation introduced by Elite boiseries and much more. Living and dining
for residential, hospitality and luxury retail Stone is E-Light System, a sophisticated high- area, spa zone and meeting room are
projects. It is not only a matter of master tech patent, the result of ten years of research decorated with precious backlit marbles that
craftsmanship in the processing of marble, and experimentation in the field of backlit follow the best contemporary trends in stone
but also of meticulous studies of natural stone. Elite Stone invents a new identity of design.
stones and constant search of the rarest and marble where lightness and transparency most exclusive materials all around the world. become unprecedented characteristics.
Elite Stone Gallery not only proposes luxury
furnishing for prestigious customers, it offers
Marble, onyx or precious stone is specially Where else can you find the combination possibility to select the finest marble slabs in
selected by Tetyana Kovalenko, CEO of Elite of timeless beauty and luxury, why not in a order to create unique bespoke furniture and
Stone, to satisfy sophisticated tastes of high one of the most chic capitals of international projects to dream of.
end customers. design? London, Margaret Street 74,
welcomes new Elite Stone Gallery showroom,