Style and sustainability are the key Paired with the skills of UK craftsmen, For instance, grey has had a dominating
ingredients to any modern interior but this the Portfolio journey follows careful effect on the interior design world for the
can always be a tricky consideration when application; each solid colour lipping past couple of years and is still set to be a
sourcing your essential furniture. specially selected to co-ordinate with key colour for 2018/19, hence the apparent
each veneer design accordingly. Next, influence on the appearance of Portfolio’s
Here at Portfolio we are changing the the solid core door is precisely trimmed largest collection; Contemporary. Offering
way we see doors. Rather than a simple and routered to give the signature crisp, a variety of light and charcoal greys
necessity, Portfolio doors are a necessary clean finish, expected from any premium with contrasting simple, yet decorative
piece of furniture. product. patterns, the Contemporary Portfolio
Created from real wood, Italian engineered From Portfolio’s four collections; veneers, proudly manufactured in Britain; pioneering approach and subtle, yet playful
Contemporary, Classic, Exotic and Natural, Portfolio doors ensure traceability pledging edge.
come 20 diverse, innovative veneers.
range introduces superiority through its
a commitment to the principles promoted
Why not be inspired by the wild, seductive
by the PEFC as well as being 100% design Each collection inspired and carefully shades of Exotic, the warm, tranquil tones
led. constructed to portray a design that of Natural, the definitive, sleek lines of
seamlessly corresponds with a current Portfolio’s process of production allows Contemporary and the traditional, elegant
trend influencing the interior design for a finish that boasts a consistent grain textures of Classic. Whichever interior you
industry, so as to demonstrate that even and colour yet simultaneously expresses a have in mind, be sure to define your space
something as practical as a door can be natural variation within the doors. and let more originality in with Portfolio.