What is essential to highlight in the living?
snuggle up on the sofa and watch movies, or sit and have drinks
with friends. We chose to like in the rest of the house use venetian
The extra large purple velvet sofa that we designed and had made blinds as window treatments in all the rooms to soften each space
for the space. At 5 meters long it can host a lot of people and ends and play with the light coming in.
up a great entertaining space.
Main brands used (identify objects):
Tell us about the decoration of the living room:
F*CK Sideboard: Jimmie Martin
So we decided to get rid of all the white walls and ceiling in the Art: Clients own
room and focus on the clients bright and fun artwork and the most Mannequin floor lamp: Jimmie Martin
comfortable sofa ever. With the very dark walls and ceiling and Marble and Metal Coffee tables: Eichholtz
dark spot lights each item in this rooms stands out and become Artworks includes: Sperm Alarm artwork above sofa by Banksy,
a pieces of art on its on wether its the sofa, or a special artwork Bat woman artwork above sofa byTyler Shield and David Hockney
or even the book case or the stair case. We created a very warm editions and LV work by Murakami.
and comfortable entertaining space for the client wether it is to