Project name: Belgrave Place
Image Credit: Elayne Barre
Interior design and styling: Jimmie Martin
What is the profile of the residents? What is the predominant style of the project?
This client is a 35yo single female, who has got I would call it a very eclectic and arty style that may be
properties around the world. She has a huge interest breaking the rules of interior design.
in art, fashion and she travel a lot. She is an investor in
several art/fashion/property businesses. Which environments are located on each floor?
What was the starting point for the project? Ground floor:
Entrance Hall
The client purchased this property 7 years ago but never Dining room
lived in it. Whilst being out of the country for the past Kitchen
few years, the client had initially hired another company Staff prep kitchen
to refurbish her place and she came back to something Staff quarters
she was not happy with. It was all very basic and bland,
especially for such a property and in that location. 1st floor:
She came to us and bought more of less all pieces in Lounge/Living room
our store as she quickly wanted to furnish her home Guest bathroom
and finally make a home for herself. It turned out that 2 roof terraces
with all the pieces from us, Jimmie Martin and her old
existing pieces and lots of artworks that she collected Lower ground floor:
over the years.. it turned out looking very messy and The art gallery
unfinished.. So she asked us if we could help her finish Master bedroom, en suite and walk in wardrobe
her home and make it amazing as she was struggling Pink Guest Bedroom and en suite
herself. So.. we took over and basically started again and White guest bedroom and end suite
took away features that the previous designers had just
installed to become more up to date and suit her life
and style.