Architects’ Journal 2017 House of
Colour Competition Finalist –
teaming up with EPR Architects
Image credit: EPR Architects
“I had no idea what a colour psychologist
did but working with Karen helped us
see how picking the right colours based
on who would be using the space, would
ultimately create the exact responses and
feelings we were looking for.” Stephen Pey,
Director EPR Architects London
So when we see colour we react emotionally.
Add to this the fact that we never experience
colour in isolation, that there are always other
colours, objects and shapes around that also
affect our emotions and the possibilities for
getting it right, or getting it wrong, multiply
Often the science is over simplified into
deeply held myths like “red makes you eat
more” or “all greens are calming”.
Clients read these things, or see them on
makeover programmes, and want designers
to apply these basic ideas without realising
that the application of colour is far more
complex than these sayings let on.
Combine the need to address these myths
with logic and rationale and the desire from
clients for their colour choices to ‘work
After being in ‘the wilderness’ for over a And we need to be able to explain the logic
decade, colour is back in fashion. and rationale behind our colour choices and
how it will deliver the positive behaviours and
The colour choices now available in paint
desired outcomes our clients are looking for.
ranges, products and materials is the most
harder’ and it becomes more difficult for
design professionals who want to offer
this level of service as the training for
applied colour psychology still isn’t in the
diverse we’ve ever had and our clients are And when we can do this, we can satisfy even wanting to embrace and take full advantage the most discerning colour sceptics. But there is a big desire for it, which is
This is where Applied Colour Psychology Programme for Industry Professionals several
more too. really comes into its own. years ago.
A few years ago it was enough for a designer Like any area of psychology, the science Over the past 10 years I’ve been working
to say ‘trust me’ when it came to the colour behind it is complex. tirelessly to spread the word about applied
of this. And because they are much more
colour savvy now, they want to understand
choices they offered clients, but not anymore.
Clients want colour schemes to be more than
just superficial and aesthetically pleasing,
they want it to work harder.
why I began offering an Advanced Colour
colour psychology and it's fast becoming seen
It starts on a physiological level in that we as the must-know skill for those designers
process colour in the same area of our brain who are looking to build on their traditional
that also processes emotion. colour training, be at the leading-edge of their
field and work in a more holistic way.