Privately commissioned Chaise-Longue. Built from American
Cherry, Brass, Aluminum and upholstered in ( Fox Linden ) Fabric.
If you are searching for someone to design It’s this handcrafted relationship between and keeping up to speed with modern
and create beautiful, magnificently crafted craftsmen and the finished product that technology. All of these aspects are part
furniture. Be it a chaise longue, dining suite or brings the design to life.” of the process of bringing the dreams and
even a staircase. You need look no further.
wishes of his clients into a reality.
Sebastian is at ease with an array of culturally
Sebastian Blakeley is a balanced combination and linguistically diverse clients. Thoroughly As Sebastian loves traveling, there is no need
of master craftsman and designer, with enjoying a good conversation, he feels that it to worry about where one is based. If there
a rich knowledge and understanding of is the dialogue with his clients that leads him is genuine interest in commissioning a work
the materials he works with. His profound into a creative process. from him he will come to you.
for design has been honed by many years of This process often results in fabulously All it requires is a phone call to initiate what
living and working in Italy. successful private commissions that truly will most undoubtedly be the start of a
fulfill his clients’ needs and expectations. fulfilling re lationship.
respect for true craftsmanship and keen eye
Returning to the UK in 2013 Sebastian, for
family reasons has based himself in the West
Country. Where he has, with his partner,
set up two businesses. Initially Sebastian
Blakeley Design followed by Staircase
Solutions SW.
As to combining those creative influences:
“Once the design of an item of furniture
is conceived - its functionality has to
be rigorously studied and tested,” adds
Sebastian. “Comfort, posture, strength,
practicality and longevity are all critical in
the process, as are choice and selection of
materials. Choose the right materials and
the dynamics of the finished piece flow well.
With Sebastian’s ease of communication
he has been able to establish a very good
rapport with many local suppliers as well
as specifically complimentary skilled crafts
Both these enterprises are truly about the
“Art of Design”. Sebastian Blakeley Design is
dedicated to the study and development of
new techniques, research of new materials
+44 (0) 7473118407,
[email protected]