“Just as we have
ergonomic chairs which
can be adjusted to each
user’s preferences,
we can now give each
user control of their
workspace lighting”.
Work is changing. Stereotypical offices are a thing of the past and example, the sleep hormone melatonin, which ensures that we relax
home offices are now a part of everyday life in many industries. We in the evening and glide into a restful sleep.
now also recognise that positive working environments enhance
productivity – and lighting is firmly on the agenda.
Everyone has their own daily rhythm, which is largely controlled by
natural daylight. We spend much of our time indoors and a lack of
Flexible teams, project work, agile workspaces - just a few buzzwords regular exposure to light disrupts our daily rhythm. Modern LED
flying around today’s offices. Our intensive focus on results is matched lighting, such as LUCTRA®, can almost completely replicate the natural
only by our increasing awareness of our working environments. course of daylight, thus ensuring a balanced day-night rhythm.
Studies have shown that more positive workspaces give employees
greater satisfaction, motivation and efficiency.
We are all unique
In the past, offices were dark and cramped. Now offices are designed
Advantages of proper lighting planning to be brighter, but having ‘bright’ light is simply not enough. Surveys
Open space environments and flexible office concepts are the biggest have shown that neutral or warmer light (less blue) is perceived as
challenge in lighting design. Those who master this task benefit more pleasant. Plus, we are all unique with each individual preferring
from a number of advantages. Lighting that can be controlled by a different light colour and brightness. Just as we have ergonomic
individuals lays the foundation for fatigue-free working. It increases chairs which can be adjusted to each user’s preferences, we can now
productivity and satisfaction, which in turn reduces sick days. From give each user control of their workspace lighting.
an economic viewpoint, state-of-the-art LED light sources provide
an efficient, maintenance-free, energy-saving and cost-minimizing Control via app
solution. The user interface is at the heart of all technology. LUCTRA® light colour
and intensity can be intuitively adjusted using the touch panel or an
What is good work light? app. After answering five questions about your daily routine, the app
Light has a significant influence on many processes inside the body. can also create an individual light curve which controls the brightness
That’s because it affects the production of various hormones. For and colour of the light throughout the day automatically. Simple.