Over the years Touched Interiors has won numerous The Personal Procurement and Bespoke Furniture
prestigious accolades including, "Interior Designers Commissioning services attract a variety of clientele,
of the Year" at the Build Awards for the past two from those who would prefer for sourcing to be
consecutive years and "Luxury Furniture Supplier of executed professionally and privately, to those that
the Year” to name a few. are eager to enjoy the latest designer trends before
The Touched Interiors brand appeals to the higher-
anybody else.
end of the market, with clients eager to experience From the knowledgeable interior design experts who
the unrivalled level of elegance applied to the retail comprise the interior services division, to the skilled
experience. craftsmen who produce furnishings in the production
Due to the variety of services offered, the business
has various target markets aside from retail.
houses across Europe; Touched Interiors works on
the aim of delivering a service which provides a 200%
level of customer satisfaction.