A fascinating bedroom designed by Alessandro La Spada using Irish Green Antolini marble.
Green triumphs in Irish Green marble for Thanks to the natural treatment and a unique stone in the world. This geologically
the two related rooms created by designer lack of direct light, the Irish Green walls ancient stone was used by Renaissance
Alessandro La Spada: one bedroom in soften the bold personality of the bedroom, architects to bring the colours of the fields
precious material and an intimate and introducing a contemporary hidden space and the forests to the splendid palaces they
essential wardrobe space. reserved for the wardrobe area. adorned with magnificent works that are
In the bedroom, a continuous backlit Irish Green
still admired today by tourists from around
the world.
panel in Irish Green wraps the large
double bed like a soft fabric. Emphasizing Irish Green is a marble that glorifies Thanks to its varied veining, Irish Green
the bright tones of green, emeralds and in shades of green, displaying uneven allows unusual patterns to be created and
yellow, the panel serves as a nightstand colouring and shading that passes from makes any work absolutely unique and
and headboard, then rises into a large dark to light. Part of the Antolini range, it unrepeatable.
iridescent area, and finally reaches the displays some whitish veins and others in a ceiling, creating great intimacy to the space. translucent apple colour that makes this a