But what about those among us who LUCTRA® lamps deliver light
spend much of their time indoors, intensities of 1,000 lux and a colour
particularly when at work, and spectrum ranging from 2,700 to 6,500
don't receive enough exposure to Kelvin. The VITACORE® electronics
natural light? By simulating day light, and VITACORE® APP make it very easy
LUCTRA® by DURABLE provides a to use and control these functions.
revolutionary solution.
A personalised 24-hour lighting
Brightness alone is not enough
sequence can be programmed by
answering five simple questions to
Illumination and the quality of light automatically vary the colour and
are vital for employees, especially intensity of light to simulate natural
in an office environment. There are light through the course of the
several statutory regulations for day. Bluetooth technology allows
workplace lighting. Here, flexible the lamps to be controlled from a
office concepts present the greatest 10-metre distance and two integrated
challenge. Both the DIN EN 12464- USB connections enable charging of
1 and the ASR 3.4 standards lay mobile devices without affecting the
down the requirements for an life of the LEDs.
office workplace. They state that
workplaces should be illuminated “The importance of the right lighting
with a minimum of 500 lux with for the working environment cannot
particularly demanding visual tasks be underestimated,” comments
requiring up to 750 lux. Sean Starkey, Managing Director
at DURABLE UK. “You can bring
However, a survey revealed that the benefits of natural light to your
more than 60% of employees prefer work or home and make the space
light intensities of at least 800 lux. as personal as you are. LUCTRA®
Employees are also more content, provides an incredibly wide colour
and see themselves as having a spectrum, and intense brightness,
higher level of well-being when offering outstanding customisation
they can adjust the lighting to their and total flexibility. Its ability to be
individual preferences. This includes easily adjusted means it is the ideal
the light intensity as well as the task lighting choice for anybody, at
variable colour temperature – the any time of day and a truly unique
alternation between neutral (cold lighting solution.”
white) and warmer (warm white)