Peace, love and creativity front and centre: San Francisco and Fairmont Le Château
Bed-in and Posters for Peace Frontenac in Quebec City. Fairmont is part of
AccorHotels, a world-leading travel & lifestyle
At the same time as the unveiling, Sid Lee group and digital innovator offering unique
Collective and MASSIVart have invited experiences in more than 4,100 hotels, resorts
Montrealers to gather at the Place Ville Marie and residences, as well as in over 3,000 of the
Esplanade for the largest outdoor bed-in finest private homes around the globe. For
ever held in North America as well as the more information or reservations, please visit
exhibition Posters for Peace, featuring art fairmont.com.
created in tribute to the original bed-in. The
exhibition includes works by 40 artists from
About Ivanhoé Cambridge
around the world, printed on sheets placed
on the beds arranged along the Esplanade. Ivanhoé Cambridge, a global real estate
The proceeds from the sale of reproductions industry leader, invests in high-quality
of the works will go to Amnesty International. properties and real estate companies in
select cities around the world. It does so
About Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth
prudently and with a long-term view to
generate optimal, risk-adjusted returns.
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts connects guests to Founded in Quebec in 1953, Ivanhoé
the very best of its destinations worldwide, Cambridge has built a vertically integrated
providing travellers with memorable travel business across Canada. Internationally,
experiences, thoughtful and attentive service the Company invests alongside key
and luxury hotels that are truly unforgettable. partners and major real estate funds that
Each Fairmont property reflects the are leaders in their respective markets.
locale’s energy, culture and history through Through subsidiaries and partnerships,
locally inspired cuisine, spirited bars and Ivanhoé Cambridge holds interests in nearly
lounges and distinctive design and decor. 800 buildings, primarily in the residential,
With more than 70 hotels globally, and office, retail and logistics real estate sectors.
many more in development, the Fairmont Ivanhoé Cambridge held approximately C$56
collection boasts some of the most iconic billion in assets as at December 31, 2016.
and distinctive hotels in the world. This The Company is a real estate subsidiary
extraordinary collection includes The Plaza of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du
in New York, The Savoy in London, Fairmont Québec (cdpq.com), one of Canada's leading
Grand Del Mar, Dubai’s Fairmont The Palm, institutional fund managers. For more
Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai, Fairmont information: ivanhoecambridge.com.