With winter fast approaching, the number of daylight hours
is decreasing, plunging the nation into biological darkness
for large parts of the day. This biological darkness during
the winter months can lead to a lack of energy, persistent
low mood and irritability. To counter the winter woes,
getting as much exposure to daylight as possible is vital
and good lighting can be of great benefit.
Not only does it help you complete tasks but modern
lighting will also improve the way you feel, which is why
the task lighting sector has been revolutionised by the
introduction of LUCTRA® by DURABLE. LUCTRA® is a
premium LED lighting system proven to enhance wellbeing
and productivity by harnessing the biological effect of light.
“The importance of the right lighting for the working
environment cannot be underestimated,” comments
Sean Starkey, Managing Director at DURABLE UK. “You can
bring the benefits of natural light to your work or home
and make the space as personal as you are. LUCTRA®
provides an incredibly wide colour spectrum, and intense
brightness, offering outstanding customisation and total
flexibility. Its ability to be easily adjusted means it is the