We may be parting from the EU, but Italia Living has continually developed new integral bedroom storage collections with
we are not parting from our love affair standards of style in their long history of high flexibility and a vast choice of finishes.
with European furniture. The January making sofas and chairs. The sunshine of Joining them are Nolte and Rauch, who
Furniture Show (21st -24th January, their southern Italian location is reflected also bring their own individual designs and
NEC, Birmingham) will see over 30 major in both their elegant and funky styles wardrobe systems giving visitors plenty to
European brands showing alongside the and the quality of their materials and see in the world of bedroom furniture.
470+ UK brands, enticing buyers with swish manufacturing skills.
The pull of European furniture is easy to
new collections and new finishes.
For living and dining furniture with Scandi understand, the contemporary styling,
Italian giants Camel Group, Nicoletti, ALF cool and plenty of choice, Skovby is the modular forms and high-gloss finishes offer
Uno spa, Stone Italia and Italia Living will stand to visit. With uniquely engineered a notable alternative to the more traditional
bring their sumptuous leather upholstery extending dining tables and clean cabinets styles prevalent in the UK. The January
and sleek living and dining furniture. to match, they offer the ultimate in uber- Furniture Show is the only show in the UK
Joining them will be major brands from cool living designs. Catering for large and attended by so many European brand - so
Germany, Denmark, France and the small spaces, their stand will be a dining it offers UK buyers the only opportunity of
Republic of Ireland, including Weimann, treasure trove. the year to see such a diverse selection of
Skvoby, Akante and Alfrank, among many
European companies in one place.
The Germans are well known for their
engineering expertise and furniture is The full list of UK and European and
For over 30 years from their North-East no exception in receiving such attention. UK exhibitors is on the show website,
Italian base, multi furniture supplier Camel Weimann are among the list of big-league where you can also register for your
Group have sent their chic and go-ahead German furniture producers exhibiting free attendance to the show:
fabric and leather suites, bedroom, living this January, who continually develop www.januaryfurnitureshow.com
and dining furniture all over the world.
With select options for the contract market,
theirs will be a hot stand in January.