New additions to Brio’s Zero Clearance discreetly inside the track and controls the “We will have other new features to add
and Single Run systems bring useful 100kg panel’s momentum when closing against to our straight sliding range during 2017
weight bearing capabilities to the ranges as the jamb, protecting little fingers from and 2018 - so watch this space,” concludes
well as a soft close option and a clip stop. slamming doors. Brio UK’s David Newton, adding that Brio
Both these features are also available on
Single Run 80 and Zero Clearance 80.
offers an unbeatable 10-year warranty on
Brio’s new weight capacity is ideal for
its hardware.
commercial or residential living spaces and
Zero Clearance and Single Run work with the fittings are easy to install and operate
various panel types and provide numerous with the use of precision bearings and
guide options and cope with panel weights the option of stainless steel hardware for
from 80kg to 350kg. exterior applications.
The new Zero Clearance 100 and Single Single Run is available in a number of
Run 100 hangers work with Brio’s existing weight capacities - 60, 80, 100, 120, 180 and
hardware including the 80CS clip stop and 350KG per panel while Zero Clearance may
100SCT soft close for 100kg applications. be obtained in 80, 100,120 180 and 350kg
Brio’s clip stop holds panels in their parked per panel for timber panels and 80KG, 100,
position while the soft close device fits 120 and 180 Kg for frameless Glass panels.