The Art of Design Issue 28 2017 | Page 48

The client did not feel comfortable with conceptual art footprint of our concept which was inspired by nature. A or strong colours and ideas, particularly in art. They proportion of the budget was spent on landscaping and wanted their home to reflect only their personalities outdoor furniture, which we designed specifically for the and the beautiful surroundings of the property. To meet house. The clients prided themselves in being closely their request in artworks, we petrified wood sculptures, involved in the project development and meticulous carved wood wall hangings and even made some attention to detail was paid in designing each element bespoke art in our studio, including enamels on copper, to suit their taste and lifestyle. silver and bronze leaf on glass in neutral, natural colours and with a subject matter that the client felt at ease with. We worked closely with the client on every detail of the project. Every drawing was carefully reviewed several Most of the furnishing and materials where produced times in order to find the solutions that the client felt and manufactured in the UK to reduce the carbon most comfortable with. Design: Keir Townsend