The Tetbury 3 seater sofa in “Queen’s Garden Velvet” by GP & J Baker
Celebrating a rich pedigree of British With every piece hand built in our own Every home needs a place to relax, to sit
craftsmanship, the company was first workshops, your choice of Wesley Barrell or recline whilst enjoying precious leisure
established in the Cotswolds over 120 years offers outstanding long term value as time alone or with friends and family, so it
ago, and remains a family business to this products will outlast the many outwardly is worth investing just a little more for the
day. attractive yet inferior quality products in the assurance of comfort and longevity that all
market place. A pristine fabric may look the our Wesley Barrell products pledge.
Wesley Barrell staff are all extremely proud same on the outside, but can conceal lesser of the products they make and sell, with grade padding materials and workmanship Wesley Barrell – trusted by generations for
many of the highly skilled team having – which may all too soon be revealed as firm generations.
worked with the company for several seating and arm rests appear soggy and out decades. And they believe that their success of shape. A sagging sofa or armchair is a is driven by a passion for what they produce, poor investment in the longer term!
maintaining the core values and quality of
product and service that sets them apart Wesley Barrell’s superior standards of
from the rest of high street furniture retailers. craftsmanship safeguard against any such
*Hand crafted frames are guaranteed for 25
years. See our website for more details.
concerns – with handmade wooden frames
Which means that anyone buying a new and springing guaranteed for many years of
sofa or armchair can trust Wesley Barrell to family use.*
provide heirloom quality furniture that will
last for generations.
Furniture Built to Last a Lifetime
When you invest in a genuine, hand crafted
piece of Wesley Barrell furniture you are
ensuring many years of comfort and
excellence for the future.
And if the worst happens and a beloved
pet chews the arm or boisterous children
damage your prized sofa or chair – or if you
just feel like updating the original fabric -
you can rest assured that the Wesley Barrell
repair and renovation service will be able to
restore your furniture to pristine condition
or give it a facelift for years more faithful
The Sherborne Loveseat in “Royal
Beasts Velvet” by GP & J Baker