True to its Notting HIll setting, the house thrives on In the master bathroom the interplay between the
dramatic discourse, on the energy of contrasts. Old and strongly featured Fiori di Bosco and the clean lines of
new sit side-by-side with natural stone, parquet and the corian bath and basin is vibrant and engaging. This
deep cornices meeting new age ceramics and corian, dialogue between materials is reflected and repeated in
laser-cut aluminium and crystal-clear glass. The natural other areas of the house to create a strong red thread.
vibrancy of the garden cuts into the calm architectural
palette on every level, adding life and colour.
Creative director and founder Staffan Tollgard explains
“We are great believers in honest luxury and the
The team is understandably proud of the new staircase power of a good story. This home uses solid, valuable
at the heart of the house. The open treads and glass materials in a clean, architectural and truthful way – and
balustrade create dynamic internal architectural views the outcome is refreshingly authentic. There is drama
and connect with the garden vista outside. The laser cut and impact in the rooms that need this energy, but
screens protect the original stained-glass windows and we temper this with cleaner, quieter, purer materials.”
also blend the clear sunlight and green glass, creating Moments of calm at the heart of the action ... just like
new and engaging works of art in three dimensions. Notting Hill’s famous garden squares.
www.tollgard.co.uk 020 7952 6070