Vision 2017 explores the future of
architecture, landscape design
and products
Aimed at architects, designers, specifiers and their clients, Vision This year Vision has also partnered with various international
2017 provides an international focus for innovative products trade authorities, from countries including Belgium, France, Italy,
and building solutions, bringing together some of the best the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Latvia and the Czech Republic.
designs and leading figures from across Western Europe. Across These nations will be represented at the event through a
two days in June, the show will host the best and brightest number of pavilions, each housing multiple participants. Live
from established practices and new start-ups, providing a demonstrations and networking will provide opportunities to
matchmaking service to help facilitate meetings between meet and exchange ideas with our continental counterparts.
companies that can work together to create better buildings for
the future.
Key professional and cultural organisations will also be
represented, such as the RIBA, BRE, the London Festival of
The exhibitors at Vision cover a range of products, materials Architecture, New London Architecture and the Museum of
and solutions, including research and development into the Architecture. The CPD-certified event is designed to educate and
latest software, bringing together industry leaders to discuss inspire, with international solutions to local problems.
challenges in today’s complex market and ways to deal with
changing legislation. Woodscape – widely known for their BRE have curated a series of talks aimed to target the main
beautiful hardwood street furniture and external structures for issues facing the construction industry today. The RIBA is also
the UK’s most vibrant public spaces – will display features from taking centre stage, targeting housing and sustainability as the
their #designthenation projects that demonstrate the breadth focus of a number of presentations and debates. New London
of our urban design experience and working relationships with Architecture will return to Vision with their annual PechaKucha,
architects and landscape designers. Argex is an eco-friendly clay this time considering the global ways of working and how that
from Belgium that can be used for building, horticulture and might affect efforts closer to home.
public spaces, such as the Place Saint-Lambert, a square in the
centre of Liège, Belgium.