Luctra Floor
Luctra Table
Luctra Floor Twin
Light has a great effect on our vision, our These in turn can affect our sleeping and Features of the range:
biological clock and our emotions. eating patterns, our sense of wellbeing •
and performance.
Quality cold white and warm white
LEDs that produce an illuminance of
The rhythm of our bodies is determined
up to 1,000 lux
by our exposure to the right kind of light Exposure to the correct type of light brings
at the right time and it can influence our the body into a general state of alertness
sleep and wake cycles. Human Centric and readiness for daily activities.
Lighting schemes can improve our mood, It’s shown to create lower tension, low
energise us and lower stress. emotional pressure and a general feeling
Colour temperature scale between
2,700K and 6,500K
Light colour and intensity can be
selected via the glass touch panel
of ease.
Bluetooth connectivity to the
VITACORE® app which provides
Interiors such as workplaces often don’t
automatic personalised light
provide enough natural daylight and we The award-winning range of LUCTRA®LED intensity and colour changes
rely heavily on artificial lighting instead. lamps closely replicates the intensity throughout the day
and colour of natural daylight to • CREE LED’s
But the right lighting helps you stay support wellbeing and performance in • Table, Floor and Portable models
healthy and keeps our biological rhythm the workplace. Dr Dieter Kunz, a sleep available in black, white, aluminium
stable. researcher, has also demonstrated the and orange
biological effectiveness of LUCTRA® in a
Cold-white, blue-enriched light wakes us
clinical study.
in the morning and warm-white, red-
enriched light in the evening is a signal to The well-established German
relax. manufacturer DURABLE has paired
this extensive scientific research with
The colour and intensity of daylight innovative lighting design to deliver a
changes over the course of 24-hours unique human centric lighting solution.
and can have a significant effect on two
hormones, melatonin and serotonin.
Expert German design and
Visit LUCTRA® at Clerkenwell Design Week,
in PROJECT stand PA5.
[email protected]
01202 851130