Former Gordon Ramsay chef
opens new Oxford Blue gastropub
illuminated by Bright Goods LED
filament lamps
LED Eco Lights today announced that its Bright Goods LED filament lamps have been
installed throughout the newly refurbished and prestigious Oxford Blue gastropub, to
create a traditional atmosphere with efficient lighting technology.
The Oxford Blue, located on the edge of Proprietor, Steven Ellis said, “We had a The range is fully dimmable and provides a
Windsor Great Park in Berkshire is housed vision of creating an exceptional dining lifespan of 30,000 hours and is available in
in two former game keeper’s cottages experience in the comfort of a traditional two colour temperatures; warm (2.7K) and
dating back to the 1800s and was acquired country style gastropub and wanted to very warm (2.2K).”
in 2015 by Steven Ellis, former chef at make it as authentic as possible. We have three-Michelin-starred Restaurant Gordon created an atmosphere that looked like it Andy Goodwin concluded, “The Bright
Ramsey. After a lengthy refurbishment, the had been there for hundreds of years rather Goods LED lamps have that element of
pub opened its doors on New Year’s Eve and than just created by us. Lighting is such an traditional about them which was key to the
boasts a 44-cover venue with a wine attic for important factor when designing an interior overall concept we had for the restaurant.
private dining, a 14-seat lounge for drinks and it was imperative that we got it right. The long lifespan of the lamps also means
and a 16-cover outside dining area. The appearance of the Bright Goods LED that maintenance becomes easier to
lamps are exactly right for our concept and manage. They were perfect for this setting,
Andy Goodwin, Director of Fettle Interior furthermore, offers energy efficiency and emitting a warm white colour temperature
Design said “To create the intimate dining low maintenance.” that replicates the nostalgia of the early
atmosphere we were looking for, the lighting
Edison incandescent models. Trying to play
had to be spot on. I was introduced to Saima Shafi, Sales and Marketing Director on the heritage of the building, we wanted
the Bright Goods range a couple of years of LED Eco Lights added, “Bright Goods LED the lighting in the restaurant space to be
ago and what is amazing about the bulbs filament lamps are designed to provide a fully dimmable to keep the atmosphere as
themselves is that aesthetically they look timeless vintage feel and were the perfect intimate and enticing as possible.”
beautiful and create the correct colour light choice for The Oxford Blue, complementing whilst still being energy efficient.” the historic atmosphere they have created.