The Art of Design Issue 21 2016 | Page 76

76 Koubou Interiors - an award winning Interior Architecture and Design company launch their first range of innovative commercial furniture for hotels, nightclubs, offices and restaurants see Koubou Interiors is an Interior Architecture and Design Practice for the commercial, office, retail, bars, nightclubs, hotel, hospitality areas, healthcare and residential sectors. The designers provide a friendly, professional service and focus on each design individually to bring the client’s vision to reality. See or contact Gilly Craft 01344 779323 Wetrooms made easy M A X X U S THE 3RD GENERATION WET DECK With our featured Maxxus Wet Deck Kit (the strongest on the market), easy-to-use tanking kits or membranes, and a wide selection of drains, it’s easy to install a luxurious wetroom anywhere in the home. Add on our designer grids and extensive range of stylish accessories and it’s easy to find the right product for any environment. Ask for our latest Price List today! 01629 815500