Elements: The UK’s Only Dedicated
Furniture Components Show
David Clouting – Stand N410
Mundy Veneer - Stand K400
Have you heard about the UK’s newest
member, Doellken. Crofts & Assinder
The Best Practice Zone will offer visitors
trade fair for the design industry? Brought
and Finesse Design will be among the
savvy business advice. Specialist
to you by the organisers of the Surface
decorative hardware exhibitors, whilst
recruitment agencies, business finance
Design Show, Elements is a brand new
Symphony Coatings and Movac Group will
gurus and marketing experts will be
components show taking place at the NEC
be displaying its latest paints, coatings and
on hand throughout the event to offer
from 2nd – 5th October 2016.
information and guidance.
As the only dedicated furniture
The Competition Zone will feature a
components show in the UK, Elements will
live, interactive competition that will
feature a wide range of finishing products
see college students from across the UK
for the KBB, furniture production and
compete to win valuable work experience
interior design markets and offers you an
with one of the biggest names in the
un-missable opportunity to see the latest
innovations and design-led prototypes
Lisa Campagnola, Events Director, adds,
before anybody else.
“The UK market has relied heavily on
Ostermann - Stand K410
A crucial link between the UK’s design and
European component shows to provide
manufacturing sector, the four-day event
design innovation and inspiration. Thanks
will showcase new and unique décors and
to the introduction of Elements, we’re
edgings, surface trends, hardware and
If that wasn’t enough to make you register
confident that its solid exhibitor line-up
materials from the UK, Europe and further
your attendance at the very first Elements
will prove invaluable to the design sector
afield, while offering visitors a exclusive
exhibition, the addition of industry-related
and become an unmissable event in the
opportunity to talk to some of the leading
seminars and three interactive zones will
industry’s diary."
industry experts in the industry.
give visitors a unique opportunity to get
The eagerly anticipated line-up will
include over 45 exhibitors, including
leading décor specialist David Clouting,
renowned veneer suppliers Mundy Veneer
and Merena, and edging experts Hranipex
UK, Ostermann UK and Surteco Group
‘up close’ with the latest product launches
and novelties to enter the UK market.
The Innovation Zone will showcase the
latest design trends and promote newly
launched products, while offering visitors
an opportunity to meet the creators first
The Elements exhibition will be taking
place from the 2nd – 5th October 2016 at
the NEC. For more information please visit
www.wexhibition.co.uk/elements or follow
@Elements_Expo on Twitter for the latest
exhibition news.