The Art of Design Issue 21 2016 | Page 36

36 The quality and origin of the seasonal produce correspond to the bistro’s respect for nature and the environment by focusing on sustainable farming and seasonality, all of which is orchestrated by Angie Fouquoire, an up-and-coming young chef who’s trained at the best restaurants in Paris such as Maison Blanche, Plaza Athénée and Hôtel de crillon. Sophie Jacqmin imagined Bistro de l’Arc as the spot to go to at any hour with its warm and inviting atmosphere that’s perfect for all occasions whether it be a business lunch, dinner with friends or a glass of wine accompanied by a cigar on the terrace. For the pleasure of the eyes as well as the palate, Bistro d e l’Arc is undoubtedly the new hostpot for interior design enthusiasts and gourmets alike. In 2013, SOPHIE JAcqMIn cREATED THE "EnTRE cHIEn ET lOOP" DESIgn STuDIO, ExPEnDIng IT In 2014 WITH "Au — lOuP!" An AgEncy SPEcIAlIzED In THE cREATIOn OF DEcORATIOn PROJEcTS FOR cHIlDREn,