The after shot
Quintessentially London
Theatrical Living
by PEEK Architecture + Design Ltd
The property consists of nos. 409–410 The Strand. It occupies an enviable
position next to the Adelphi Theatre, a stone’s throw away from The Savoy
and the River Thames. It’s a site steeped in history, and the Architects, PEEK
Architecture + Design, felt a duty to bring the property back to life while staying
true to its architectural principles.
Georgina Turvey of PEEK Architecture says
‘’We wanted this building to have something of
the eccentric about it. These rooms were the
dining rooms above the theatre restaurant, so
imagine the after parties that went on there,
full of actors and London luvvies. We wanted
to bring that fun back to life.’’
The History and Inspiration - The building
was opened in 1885 by The Gatti Brothers,
as The Adelphi Theatre Restaurant, and the
upper floors housed the private dining rooms.
The Strand had become a newly fashionable
address, and was one of the most elegant
streets in London. Many avant-garde writers
and thinkers gathered here, among them
Thomas Carlyle, Charles Dickens, John Stuart
Mill and Herbert Spencer. ‘’But the past dies
very hard in the Strand. It puts up a struggle.
There still remain buildings which are as our
grandfathers knew them..’’ (From ‘Ghosts and
Greasepaint’ by W. Macqueen Pope 1951)
The before shot