Our Objective
The gallery showcases exceptional creations by
craftsmen of unparalleled skills. These pieces
create a way of rediscovering the luxurious
approach from the masters of the 1930s, 1940s
and 1950s, such as Jean- Michel Franck and
Jacques Quinet. This original and sensitive
approach will suit those who seek to create a
unique atmosphere, in the spirit of a collector, far
from industrialised, with these bespoke designs.
Whether lovers of original works or interior
For the first time, Galerie
Torse de Brancusi, a metaphor
design specialists, Galerie Negropontes never
Negropontes is offering a new
of an ancient statuary, unveils
fails to meet their client’s desires for the
vision of two of Perrin & Perrin
a surprising mise en abyme: a
works created from their original
sculptural image of an enigmatic
plasters. Polished or patinated,
sculpture. “This is certainly one
revealing the texture of the glass,
of my favourites,” says Sophie
these two works Fruit Étrange I
Negropontes, of her father’s
and Fruit Étrange II re ect Perrin
photographs dedicated to
& Perrin‘s creative process,
Constantin Brancusi’s work. “His
constantly reinventing their
purely conceptual reading reveals
sculptural style.
the strength of the artwork.”
Galerie Negropontes presents
Galerie Negropontes
two large format limited edition
This unique address is for those
prints of Dan Er. Grigorescu’s
seeking exceptional contemporary
photographs. Taken from his book
designs with an original approach.
on the work of his compatriot
A stone’s throw away from the
Constantin Brancusi in Romania,
Musée d’Orsay in Paris, the
they complete the Shifting Re
gallery combines art, design
ections exhibition with their
and the innovative savoir-faire.
strange beauty. From an artist’s
Run by lifelong friends Sophie
observation of another artist’s
Negropontes and Hervé Langlais,
work, these photos join the
Galerie Negropontes’ ambition
works of Hervé Langlais and
is to revive the tradition of
French Decorative Arts with a
Dan Grigorescu’s lense captures
contemporary vision.
Sophie Negropontes welcomes each client in
their search for unique, custom-made furniture.
Hervé Langlais brings these dreams to life by
creating furniture with the most original designs.
His creations are enhanced by the elegance and
inventiveness of the materials he works with
including torn wood, charred wood, white and ink
coloured Macassar ebony, soft granites, bronze
or galuchat. Their approach to creating these
designs resembles the making of ne jewellery.
To achieve this, Galerie Negropontes
collaborates with skilled craftsmen that are
passionate about their work and with whom
Sophie Negropontes and Hervé Langlais have
created strong re- lationships with over the
years. This rich collaboration is the root of
their long-standing professional and personal
experiences, constantly exploring new grounds.
Bespoke Furniture
In addition to its regular collections, Galerie
Negropontes also creates bespoke furniture for
a unique vision of the immense
exceptional interior design projects in homes,
and mysterious eyes of
villas, yachts and private planes.
Mademoiselle Pogany,
Brancusi’s famous
sculpture. In the
darkness, her
gaze is directed
at us, piercing
beyond the static
image. When
photographed by
Dan Grigorescu,
Whether it’s for architectural rms, interior
designers or individual clients, Sophie
Negropontes is attentive to their every need,
answering every speci c requirement while
closely following each project from fruition to
Herve Langlais’ elegant and powerful designs
bring each client’s desire to reality, ensuring it
is perfectly carried out by prestigious French
workshops of ‘Haute Decoration’. Their unique
harmony has attracted the attention of today’s
most renowned interior designers worldwide.