The Art of Beauty and Well-being Issue 11 2016 | Page 34
Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa In Baden-Baden:
The Villa Stephanie Focuses On A
Healthy Night’s Sleep With Digital Detox
Newly Opened Luxury-Spa Wins Tatler Award
“Sleep is to a person what winding up is
neighbouring rooms is also guaranteed as
The greater the spread of wireless internet,
to a clock.” Contributions like this one
all walls are equipped with metal shields
the greater the wish to occasionally break
from Arthur Schopenhauer or any of the
and a special coating that blocks all high-
away from being permanently available.
other surly looking philosophers are now
frequency signals. Special shielded cables
“In a world where people are connected
being highlighted by contemporary studies
have also been used throughout the entire
practically around the clock, there is a need
and their healthy recommendations for a
building significantly reducing electro-
for places of retreat where it is possible
minimum amount of nightly rest. For this
magnetic fields (so-called ‘electrosmog’).
to relax and focus on yourself. It is for
reason, all good hotels are attempting at
Besides this, an additional switch located in
these reasons that the Villa Stéphanie has
best to create an undisturbed environment
the bedside table allows the entire room to
been created,” stated Frank Marrenbach,
for their guests.
be disconnected from the electricity supply.
Managing Director of Brenners Park-H