The Art of Accompaniment Book | Page 77

GUI DELI NES AND PRI NCI P LES F O R I M P L E M E N TAT I O N T he implementation of the apostolate of accompaniment is a process that requires prayer, discernment, vision, patience, and collabora- tion. While the objectives and basic components of accompaniment remain in every context in which it is implemented, this apostolate also must be shaped by the particular community, culture, and spirituality into which it is introduced. Helpful to the implementation process is a plan that includes assess- ment of the current state of the parish or Catholic institution in which ac- companiment is being implemented, anticipation of the institution’s needs, and discernment that aids in following through. In Living as Missionary Disciples six dimensions are recommended for parishes to discern imple- mentation for new ministries, but these principles can be applied to any Catholic institution that desires to implement accompaniment as a new part of their mission. “Planning for Ministry Is Permeated with Prayer” Implementation requires the willingness to be open to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. On this foundation of prayer, the implementation process is provided a solid foundation and encourages the blossoming of “fruit that will last” (John 15:16): Effective planning needs to be permeated with an atmosphere of prayer so that the Holy Spirit can guide the process and prune accordingly… Effective planning ought to make provision for am- ple opportunities for prayer and spiritual formation in the parish. Without the deep breath of prayer, our efforts will lose fervor, become fragmented, and ultimately become fruitless. Prayer is the foundation of all pastoral planning efforts and leads to a greater intensification of our ministry and mission. (Living as Missionary Disciples, 22) 67