The Art of Accompaniment Book | Page 24

14 The Art of Accompaniment Evangelization does not seek to invite people to experience only one moment of conversion but rather to experience the gradual and lifelong process of conversion: to draw all people into a deeper relationship with God, to participate in the sacramental life of the Church, to develop a mature conscience, to sustain one’s faith through ongoing catechesis, and to integrate one’s faith into all aspects of one’s life. (Living as Missionary Disciples, 12) The one accompanied seeks accompaniment in order to live out their call to be a missionary disciple in a deeper way. The one accompanied is a missionary disciple in being evangelized through their relationship with their mentor, evangelizing others as a fruit of reflecting upon the spiritual life, and grow- ing in holiness because of an initial encounter with Christ. Apprenticeship and missionary discipleship help shape the conversation surrounding the terminology related to the one accompanied; they describe someone who, with the guidance and companionship of another Christian, desires to follow Jesus Christ, expresses their love of him through their life- style and relationship with others, grows in understanding of him through a practical learning and guidance, responds to his voice and call, imitates him within their particular life and vocation, searches for him within their particular life experiences, deepens their relationship with him by leading a life of continual conversion, and shares his Gospel with others through evangelization. In prayer, reflection, and dialogue, each community, cul- ture, or region are invited to discern further the most fruitful language to add to this conversation of terminology. Dimensions of Accompaniment A full understanding of accompaniment requires the consideration of its different dimensions. While some more formal and long-term styles of accompaniment may include all of these dimensions, other informal “mo- ments” of accompaniment that are short-term may involve only some of them. The apostolate of accompaniment is adaptable based on things such as length of time, cultural context, and depth of the relationship between mentor and the one accompanied.